日本財団 図書館


Railway operating costs depend on speed of trains, maintenance cost and fuel cost. By improving speed of train and running a large number of trains with full load capacity the cost of operation per ton-Km or per person-Km can be brought down with proposed measures and introduction of larger and faster trains lot of traffic will come back from river and road to railway.
It shall also be possible to meet the requirement of fresh traffic arising.
To generate the production capacity in transport activities, the facilities for container transport development must to be implemented under the supervise of transport section, including goods clearing capability at the Phnom Penh station yard providod handling equipment for container for the first stage and to develop the quality function of the marketing to communicate the information, controlling and contact made with the various customers willing to use the rail to transport goods cars, containers etc.
The Future of the Railways:
The most important requirement, however, may be a railway management that is confident in its ability to provide and sell service. That are attractive to the private sector and support the future of the railways business. The growth of road competition, and decline of the public sector enterprises, that traditionally used rail, have hit the raihvay hard. With the present operational difficulties, the management has had no opportunity to adapt its prices or services or management organization and skills to the needs of the present day market. The arrangement for managing the railway is to create the necessary framework for the proper supervision of an autonomous statc enterprises, including clear and rapid financial procedurcs. appointment of a skilled board of directors with an independent chairman able to assist and advise the director general, or associated companies, each one concentrating on a specific line of business such as oil train movement, container trains, southern line passenger services etc.
I hope that this presentation will promote some discussion and will gather a detail point of view of the options in beyond the scope of this study presentation.
Thank you for your attention.





